Sunday, March 23, 2014

Rest in Me

The day was not made for you to devour. Just as love is not measured in time, but in acts, you are not measured on productivity by My standards. As you grow tired and as your mind needs a rest, take notice of My gifts that I bestow on you freely. I live in you, and so all that I am is yours for the asking. Your desire to impress others does not leave you fulfilled, but you keep trying and trying and it seems never enough. Rest in Me when you grow weary. Let me fill you with My love, and you will never be overwhelmed with work. Know My ways are higher than yours and you will not be left scrambling to get the job done, because as you know Me, you will find that I Am the Author, the Perfecter, and the Key. My Kingdom has no end, but the Earth will not live forever. Your works are not in vain, but they are not absolute, and you can always take a break in My word. My word is My promise and I will never let you down. So don't rush My child. I didn't create you to work yourself sick. Take a seat. Know your place is not to rush around, but to know Me, and only then you will find yourself and the work that you do in Me will always be sustained. 

Do Not Worry

Today is the day to release your worry, just as everyday I wish for you to feel My love, I ask that you lay your burdens on me. I know you sometimes feel like you are weighted down with your problems and with the problems of others, but I want you to know that today you can live free from worry. You are allowed to put your sorrows aside and trust in Me. Let Me do the heavy lifting and cast your heavy heart on Me. I am here with you and live inside you. There will be moments in your day today that you will need to step away and when you do, come to Me. Step in My light so that I can envelope you with My Presence. Do not feel pressured by the needs of this world. It is temporary and I am ever-lasting. You need not worry about one single thing. Just as I created the world, I created your mind, your situations are mine, and your heart was lovingly formed by My hands. I know you inside and out and love you more than anyone else will ever dream of.  My love for you never ceases. Do not leave room in your heart for worry. Instead trust in Me. Believe in Me. Expect from me what I have promised and the true riches of My joy and serenity will be yours for all time.